So what will this blog consist of? My whimsy's of course! More specifically, I plan to include updates to the house, stories about my dog and the chickens, garage sale finds (or as Joe would say, my "spoils"), and ideas I find inspiring along the way.
To start, here are a couple pictures of my house from this past year. It was a really hard summer on my new grass because of the lack of rain, but the grass finally started perking up and trying to spread towards the end of the summer. Hopefully next year will be better for the lawn.
House Spring 09
Garden Spring 09
At the end of the summer I added 2 pallets of grass to increase the size of my immediate lawn. It has taken pretty well considering the big freeze we got but we will see for sure in a couple weeks.
Garden Fall 09
Welcome to the blog world! No pressure, but I am looking forward to being inspired by the clever things you create; the awesome "spoils" you find; and whimsys you share! - Lauren