I have recently discovered 2 new blogs that you absolutely must visit. I have described them below but I just started following them so my descriptions may be a tad off.
Pearls, Handcuffs, and Happy Hour is a cooking/decor blog. I have never met/talked to the girl that writes this but I can absolutely hear her talking when reading it. Between the "ya'll"s and "pinky promise me you will try this", when reading you will feel like she is your long lost friend. I made a absolutely delish dish this week and got the recipe from her blog (found off Pintrest). Check it out!
Bleubird Vintage - Yep, you read that right its bleubird, not bluebird. I found this blog because the writers of this blog contacted about renting some LindseysWhimsys goodies for their wedding. I am so happy they contacted me because I really wish I was about 25% like them. The blog focuses on fashion, their family, and all things vintage. Its a bit hippy but its so pretty and and nice you probably will want to be at least 25% hippy too! The photos included in the posts are SO pretty and artistic. After reading pages after pages of this blog, I am positive (for now) that when I have kids I want them to have all vintage toys, clothes and more. Check it out when you get a chance! http://bleubirdvintage.typepad.com/