Yea for Christmas! I love this time of year. The bright, happy colors, sparkly ornaments, and pretty packages make my heart sing. Normally I decorate after Thanksgiving but this year I decided to step up my game and get the house festive a little early - just by a week. Unfortunately I have not been as prompt with my posting but better late then never!
When pulling stuff out and sorting it, my house looked like a Christmas had a party and was left with a messy house and a hangover. Thankfully the next day my mood setting wine did not leave me with the same!

The big tree is blue and snowman-y this year. I think next year I've got to incorporate more red.

This tree is at the top of my stairs and is so colorful, its hard not to feel smile when I see it.
Anytime I travel some place new - out of state/country) I look for an ornament or something I can make an ornament that reminds me of the place I visited. This helps me not buy a bunch a dust gathering knickknacks when I travel and its always fun to see what I find that represents the different communities. This tree holds those ornaments, and of course, puts my memories on display.

This tree is made of up Waterford ornaments my mom has given every year. Growing up and in college these pretty guys pretty much sat in a drawer waiting for their time to shine. Their time has come!

My entry makes me happy and cheery everytime I come home.

The wreath on my front door was my creative project of the year. I made it out of a cheap wreath and a box of shatter-proof ornaments - both were bought last year after Christmas.