The shower was super fun but it was kind of bizzaro in that I have not had a party centered totally around me since my high school graduation party, and before that my 8th grade birthday dance (and that was even shared with several other girls). We had family from my moms side, dad's side, Joe's family, friends and we were really the only connection for everyone being there. It takes some getting used to.

The event was held at Marilyn and Carson's new house and was decorated so well.

There were lots of outside games for everyone to play and I have to say my cousin Blaine and I completely dominated the bean bag toss.

Later we opened gifts and were amazed by all the wonderful things our friends and family had gotten us. We are truly blessed to have wonderful people in our lives that support and love us.
While every gift we got is appreciated I want to point out one thing I got from my Grandma. As many of you know I am obsessed with pretty antique glass pieces; my Grandma also loves this glass and has gathered an assortment of it. One piece of hers that I have always loved is a bright green bubble glass pitcher and matching glasses. She got this piece from a friend a while back and has lovingly taken care of it and displayed it throughout the years. At the shower I was incredibly honored because she passed the piece along to me and will cherish it in the future. Thanks Grandma, I love you!
Again, I want to thank everything that was able to attend the shower, we had a wonderful time and appreciate your coming and spending time with us.

The wedding is approaching REALLY fast - 149 days to go, WOW! Get ready for a party!